Friday, October 21, 2011

Thanks Federal Government!

Alex and I always seem to find ourselves being yelled at by authority figures with badges and guns. Why is that? Or do they just treat everyone that way? Well I digress. To make a long story short, Al and I found ourselves in Norwalk Connecticut to renew Al’s passport, it’s a long story. I have never actually gone to a Federal building to get a passport, the experience… was special.

During a break from being yelled at by passport lady, (12:30-3:30, what seems to be a federal lunch break of sorts), we had some time to kill in the small town of Norwalk. At a first drive though, it seemed like we had some good choices of places to eat, I admit that I did not expect such a thing this deep into “nutmegger” territory.

Al and I settled on the Burger Bar and Bistro. Tiffany was a great sport letting us sit there for 3 or so hours and kept us in ice tea the whole time. The food here was excellent. There is nothing I like more than a restaurant that is anal enough to be this consistent. In other words, whatever you order is going to be awesome. It appears there are no dead spots in the menu as it were. I had the best New England clam chowder I have had on the east coast to date. This was a surprise to me as well. Also the tea glasses (mason jars) and brown and tan soup bowls harkened me back to eating at my grandma’s house, no joke.

The burgers were excellent, not to heavy, perfect really. And the cheese and gravy fries were also amazing. We did turn down a fry dish that involved brie, and black truffle oil, in favor of living another few years without suffering a massive coronary episode. It haunts me though; I must return someday and try it.

So if you find yourself stuck, trying to get a passport in Norwalk Connecticut, please check this place out, it was even worth sitting amongst the best hipsters Connecticut has to offer, while they sip on their Pabst Blue Ribbon like and 1811 Château d'Yquem. If I can take off my food hat and put on my Hipster Anthropologist Stocking Cap, I did notice that the Connecticut hipsters opt for the khaki pants as opposed to the skinny jeans of the Williamsburg heard of TryHardicusPointyShoesis, interesting, and (here I will do them a favor) also…ironic.

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